Local Market FAQS

1. What is the Local Market app about?

Local Market is an app for Android and iOs that can help you to find local producers of vegetables, fruits, milk, cheese or other non food products nearby You. It will not show you any supermarket, only the real people, farms and companies, that produce their goods themselves.

2. Is Local Market free of charge?

Yes, Local Market is free of charge for all its users. Only sellers can use some special features within Premium Membership programm, but it doesnt affect any user willing to find or to buy any local product.

3. How can I get Local Market into my mobile phone?

Local Market can be found in official store for android apps – Google Play, and for iOs users in Appstore. In both stores you can download and use them for free.

4. Can i sell also my products in Local Market? How much cost it?

Yes, if you create or produce any product, you can sell them to other users by creating your own shop with your products. Your products will be automatically shown to all users of Local Market which are nearby. As for a standard user, Local Market allows you to open and publish unlimited amount of stores and products, all for free. As a Premium Member, you will be able to promote your products to other users, this service is paid – you can check the price at Premium Membership section, directly in your app.

5. How many shops can I create? How many products can I create?

The amount of shops and products per user is unlimited.

6. Can other users see my location, where I am located right now?

No, nobody can. Only your device shows you other products sorted by distance from you. But the system as itself doesn´t keep, or record, or save, track, any of your locations. Nor in past, nor in the future. System saves only the location of shops created by users, detailed address that is shown to any user of Local Market, to be able to reach the shop and buy there the products.

7. Which personal data are kept or saved in Local Market?

For propper functioning, Local Market asks you to set your profile data, such as name, delivery address, age, your photo, your password, country, email address, phone number and your social networks contacts. Not all these details are mandatory, it is only upon you, which to fulfill (except email, password & country). Shops require also other information, such as location of shop, tax number, other contacts. These informations are all visible, all are public, to other users of Local Market, so please, consider, what you are publishing about yourself. And what are we doing with these data? Nothing. They are published to others, so anybody can see them.

8. Is it legal to sell products per Local Market?

sell their products. Every seller should respect the law in the place where the goods are sold. Local Market doesn´t take responsibility to any trade realised in itself. Taxations and claims of sold goods is upon sellers.

9. What can I NOT sell in Local Market?

I tis not allowed to sell any illegal product or service in Local Market. Any illegal product and its seller´s details are automatically recorded and sent directly by our system to local Police departement. No adult content is allowed. No reselling is allowed – only original products, that are produced by you or your company can be sold in Local Market, otherwise your shop will be deleted with all its products, without any compensation for purchase Premium Membership.

10. Seller is not responding on my orders, nor my messages, why?

Local Market is a mobile application, but also a web system (www.local-market.sk) that allows you to create and manage your shop also per website without any installations into your mobile phone. But this means, that if seller created its shop on website and didnt install the app into mobile, he is no able to see any received order notifications, so he can not reply to you immediatelly. In these cases, we recommend you to contact seller directly on his phone that can be found in his shop´s contact details and discuss your order or pickup by phone.

11. Will there be more products in Local Market?

Local Market started only a few months ago, its database of shops and sellers is growing only. If you like the project and wanna help us grow, contact us with your ideas how to have more and more local producers.

12. Safety first

Please consider all the details you publish about yourself. Please don´t pay in advance to any seller unless this option is officially supported by Local Market, otherwise you may be deceived by rogue sellers.